Get up to Speed with Joe Biden

Joe Biden is a former vice president of the United States, he was the 47th vice president and has now announced he might run for president himself in the 2020 election. Biden was born november 20th 1942 in Pennsylvania. And have been in the political game for a long time, since 1969. Which is when he became an attorney and then elected to the New Castle Council 1970. In 1972 he was elected as a U.S senate and in 2009 he assumed for vice presidency. Biden have always tried to fight for violent crime control and also oversaw infrastructure spending. Biden have made it clear that he is unsure whether he will run for president in the 2020 election which seems to be because of his age. If Biden were to run for president in 2020 he would be 77 years old on election day and therefore have said “I’ll run if I can walk”. A conformation on if Biden will run or not is still something we are waiting for. 

In 1965, Biden earned his bachelor degree at the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science. And in 1968 received his Juris Doctor at Syracuse University College Of Law. Which Biden found terribly boring and was accused of plagiarism twice. During his time as a law student, Biden also married a woman named Nellie Hunter. And Biden is also a republican, which he said is because of how he dislikes the conservative thinking in democrats. However, he used to work for the democrats but switched due to this very reason. 

Biden have many ambitions and many thoughts on a lot of subjects that are relevant today.  Regarding the subject of climate change, Biden have said that it’s one of the biggest threats for our future. On the subject of immigration, Biden believes that it wasn’t a good call to separate children and parents who came here without any other choice. LGBT is also an important subject that Biden have talked about. Biden hopes that we can stop the hatred towards the LGBT community and make their lives easier and better. He also made a comment towards Trump’s ban on transgenders serving in the military. Where Biden said “Every patriotic American who is qualified to serve in our military should be able to serve. Full stop”. 

Today, Biden is still working in politics and have written a couple of books, such as “Promise me dad”. Which is a book about the last years of his son’s life. He’s also debating whether he is going to run for president or not in 2020 as well as fighting for the topics he believes in and the changes he thinks need to be made in the United States. He is growing older and have lived a good life so far, but we are still waiting for his announcement on whether he is running for president or not next year.

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